Have you invested thousands of dollars in your website? Would you like to convert more of your website visitors into actual paying customers? We can show you how! More than ever before consumers are going online to buy, particularly in the face of a global pandemic. It’s much safer to shop and buy online.
Across the world more purchases and enquiries are being made online. There has been a massive spike in this behaviour. This means that online traffic has grown exponentially, and your business needs to take advantage of this change in behaviour. It’s free traffic to your website. But once visitors land on your website, how do you engage with them and stop them from bouncing off to your competitor?
Why are more consumers shopping online?
Firstly, it is safer to shop online. With the global pandemic, there is no need to go out into the public and risk your chances of being exposed to the Covid19 virus. It’s much safer to shop from your lounge room couch. This is what has driven this sudden surge in online traffic.
Secondly, it’s easier to compare prices with websites such as Amazon or Ebay. It’s much easier to compare products to see which one is better value for money. Amazon can even suggest other products that you may want to buy.
Thirdly, it is also cheaper and less time consuming as there is no need to travel anywhere as purchasing can be done from home.
A study done by the Bank of America in 2020, labelled the growth of this online traffic as “The Quickening”. In the United States, they saw a 10-year growth in online activity in just 3 months. A similar trend was also seen in Australia with 5 years of online growth[1].
Businesses like yours need to take note of this change in behaviour online and reap the rewards of website traffic growth.
Why would a customer want to shop from your website?
Why you need to take advantage of this change in behaviour
This massive growth in website traffic is unprecedented and no one knows how long this period of intense online activity is going to stay around. So it’s important to take advantage of this change now.
Bounced visitors are very costly. These are the website visitors that land on your website, take a quick look, can’t find what they are looking for and bounce off to your competitor. If you are spending significant dollars in getting them to your website in the first place, then you are potentially wasting your investment.
The goal is to provide an effective engaging website so that when your visitor lands there, they stay, look around and engage. The longer they stay on your site, the more likely they are to convert. So how do you engage with your website visitor and keep them on your website for longer?
How to engage with visitors to your website
These three simple steps will help you convert more visitors to paying customers:
- Interactive and Personal Websites
- Easy Website Navigation
- Memorable Customer Experience
Interactive and Personal Websites
You need to make your website more interactive and personal, not just with bells and whistles, but with real humans who can explain your products and services in ways that will engage them. Today’s digital savvy consumers want more and more information, transparency and reassurance. They want to find out more about a product before they buy it.
Our Chat2 Concierge service enables businesses to do this 24/7 with a team of real people online when your website visitor arrives on your website. The team answer many of those simple, common, repetitive questions initially to gain trust but ultimately to convert your visitor the moment they are motivated to buy. We set up specific responses for your business that the team can draw upon, heavily assisted with the artificial intelligence (ai) built into the Chat2 software.
We do this for a fraction of the cost you spend on advertising and many times we are protecting your advertising investment.
If we don’t convert your visitor in the moment, they are online, it’s easy for us to obtain contact details for you to add to your future marketing strategies.
Easy Website Navigation
Ensure your website is easy to navigate for users. Do you know what information is most commonly searched for when visitors arrive on your website? It’s important to have this information front and center on your website, so it’s easy for visitors to find. Our Chat2 Concierge service can easily identify this information to you.
The online visitor is exceptionally impatient nowadays and is no longer willing to wade through pages and pages of a website. They want to find their answers quickly and efficiently, normally if this cannot be done in sixty seconds, they quickly bounce off the website. The Chat2 Concierge service does capture the attention of these visitors. It does this by inviting them to engage just before they leave the website.
You also get a great insight into the language and words that your online visitors use with our Chat2 Concierge service. You get to know firsthand the words and phrases used so you can incorporate them into your website content to attract more organic visitors to your website.
Memorable Customer Experience
Once a visitor arrives on your website, you need to gain their trust by providing them with a memorable online customer experience. Contact Us forms on websites are no longer as successful as they once were, as many consumers are tentative to provide any personal details up front. Also, it’s not normal acceptable human behaviour.
When you walk into a shop you don’t immediately hand over your contact details before you get to ask a few questions. Online customer service should be no different.
Many companies that attempt to use an online communication channel like live chat, set it up so the visitor is required to enter their name and contact details before they even ask a question. This does not work and blocks about 50% of the engagement for your business.
Our Chat2 Concierge service engages your website visitor with a real human conversation, one that is warm and friendly and adapts easily to the tone of the visitor. We are able to engage your visitor easily and convert them in the moment they are motivated to buy. This can be direct through your website or obtaining contact details and handing over a very warm lead for you to do what you do best. Some clients have reported to us an increase of 20 – 40% in conversion utilising an online customer experience service like Chat2 Concierge. We focus on providing a warm welcome and memorable customer experience.
Even the smallest changes to your website can turn around your business. Having a personal and interactive website allows you to stand out in a very noisy space. For maximum traffic, make sure you’ve done everything you can to optimize your site, such as having solid, user-friendly navigation. And lastly, make your customer experience memorable so that they want to come back again and again. Remember that good website design should be an integral part of your digital marketing strategy. Always keep in mind that the first impression is the most important one!
Join one of upcoming information sessions to learn how Chat2 can help you to double your website conversions is 2021!
To register go to https://www.chat2.com/info-sessions/
Businesses need to act quickly to cash in on this unprecedented online consumer behaviour!
Book an online demo here to find out more today or register to join us for our upcoming information sessions.
[1] Shawspring Research 2020