Presentations Tourism

Post Session Resources- Tourism Recovery Support Package

More direct bookings.
More customer service assistance.

Karen Lloyd-Collins uses real, current data and examples from our tourism clients to show you how Chat2 can drive your online sales, and save your business precious time by managing many of your online enquiries.

After you watch our 30-minute presentation you can sign up/get a demo/book a meeting and learn more about our limited time Tourism Recovery Package offer at

You can access the pdf version of the Slide Presentation Here 


Chat Blog Tourism

Live Chat for Tour Operators


Karen delivers insight into the results from a Tourism client who has been working with Chat2 since 2017. She outlines their initial online challenges and how Chat2 saved time and provided great value to this client. She shares how many chats this client was initially receiving up to where they are now!

If you enjoy data, there are graphs presented around, growth, response time, peak hours, origin of chats and real time customer feedback!

Learn how this tour operator has grown their chat channel by 40% and how their conversion rate is now steadily above 90%!


You can book a time for your demo right now.